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Feb, 2025

2025 Important Dates!!

Hello Georgetown families - baseball is just around the corner! 
As we near the 2025 season, here are important dates from now until Opening Day: 

Registration Deadline

March 2nd is the deadline to register and guarantee a spot for Prep, Minors, Majors, Intermediate and Juniors. After that date, the spots may fill up as the number of teams is set. 

Rookie league (t-ball) can still register through March 23rd, as that league has a bit more flexibility. 
In-Person Registration

In-person registration will be Saturday, February 22nd and Saturday, March 1st from 10am - 2pm. As in years past, registration will be located in the main church lobby at Faith Baptist Church (just east of the ball fields). If you would like help with registration, need to submit any documentation (medical form, school form, birth certificates, etc.), or if you would like to try on jerseys or hats, please come see us and we can assist you. 

This year, tryouts will be held at Coach McKinstry Warehouse (131 W Collins Rd.). We are very grateful for this GT sponsor opening their facilities to us for tryouts. If your player(s) will be playing in Prep, Minors, Majors, Intermediate or Juniors - they MUST attend tryouts before the season. 
Tryouts will be held on March 8th and March 15th
We will get more information out soon on the specifics of those dates. 

Teams will be drafted on March 16th. If you are volunteering as a coach, please note this date. 
Georgetown Coaching Clinic

Please mark your calendars for March 23rd.

Georgetown will be hosting our own coaching clinic, as opposed to participating in the District 10 clinic. District 10 requires 1 representative from each team to be present. We will have a First Aid section, and a coaching section. 
District 10 has changed their procedures this year: if coaches would like to be considered for an all-star team, you MUST attend the coaching clinic. Attendance will be taken at the completion of the clinic. 
Our goal this year is to provide relevant content not only for the game of baseball, but specifically for the Little League experience. Our coaching clinic will be held at Coach McKinstry Warehouse.
Opening Day!

Our first games will be played on April 12th. I know what you are thinking..."that is really early", and you are right. After a lot of consideration, the board agreed that this was the best starting date due to the late Easter weekend. We do not wish to try and pull families away from the ability to be together that weekend. The league calendar might seem early overall, but we tried to use Opening Day and work backwards to allow time for practices before and after Spring Break.
The board is continuing to work on improving our processes and being the best Little League in the area. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. 
Go GT! 
Brandon Lemberg,
President, Georgetown Little League
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